South Carolina Federation of Women's
and Youth Clubs, Inc.
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NACWC Youth Clubs.
NACWC Youth Clubs.
The National Association of Girls organized by Sallie Stewart in 1930 and the National Association of Boys organized by Otelia Campion in 1983 were established in order bring educate youth and familiarize them with the responsibilities of service, ideals of self-empowerment and the mission agenda of NACWC that is dedicated to uplifting communities of color and promoting racial harmony among all people. Throughout the United States boys and girls clubs exist under the umbrella of NACWC’s standard federated clubs.
NACWC Young Adult Department
NACWC Young Adult Department
The goal of the National Association’s Young Adult Department is to mentor young women destined for leadership at all levels. This is done through two ways: University and College Campus Service Clubs organized by young women interested in supporting the ideals, goals and mission of the National Association and young adults between the ages of 18 and 35 accepted into membership of NACWC standard federated clubs.
NACWC Grandparents Academy
NACWC Grandparents Academy
The Grandparents Academy is an intergenerational mentorship, education and tutoring initiative. The brainchild of NACWC club woman Rubye Hall the program charters and provides seed money for academies established according to the program guidelines. These guidelines included the installation of a community board of directors.